Wednesday, 17 April 2013

My week so far

It's been a pretty quite week so far. On Monday I saw a slow worm while picking my niece up from play group, it's the first one I've seen for ages.

We also took some pictures of blossom and a yellow flower, I'm not sure of the name. The two close ups of the blossom are a bit blurred as I used my phone camera.

Yesterday I made some cakes to use up some out of date eggs. They are yummy!

I saw a new flower in the garden at the weekend, I wasn't sure what it was but on the BunnyMummy blog there is a similar one.

My crochet practice is coming on well! My square is getting a bit bigger but still looks lopsided! I have started practicing granny stripe too, I'm following the pattern from the Attic24 blog. Eventually I would like to be able to make a granny stripe blanket, like this one from BunnyMummy. I'm still finding it hard to hold the crochet hook properly but guess it just takes practice to get it right.

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