Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Blackberry picking

I took my niece and nephew blackberry picking on Monday. We went over the road to the little wooded area opposite my mum's, there weren't many blackberries ready to pick but there were lots of green and pink ones.

We saw quite a few ladybirds too but the photos aren't great.

And this massive spiders web!

In total they found four blackberries each, not enough for a crumble so they ate them when we got back!

I hope you've enjoyed this little walk and are having a good week.


  1. Blackberries not quite ready here yet either. I dont like the look of that spiders web!

    1. This spot is quite shaded but I have seen some at the top of the road, that have been in the sun, that are all ready now and quite big. The spiders web was really big!

  2. I've got an eye on our blackberries there nearly ready. I tried one the other day and it was very tart to say the least!
    I love your photos of the ladybirds x

    1. Thank you! I didn't try the blackberries but the children said they were nice!


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