Sunday, 15 September 2013

Hearing Dogs Late Summer Show

Today we went to the Hearing Dogs For Deaf People Late Summer Show at Saunderton. Despite the weather forecast saying it would be heavy rain and very windy, we decided to go early to hopefully miss the rain, there was a little bit but the heavy stuff started after we got home.

 I like this one with the dog peeking out of the tent!

They had lots of stalls selling all sorts of things, books, toys, about three cake stalls-these were my favourite! There was a show ring in the middle of the field where they had demonstrations of the work of Hearings Dogs, dog shows and competitions. I like this picture with the lines of clouds.

These birds look like statues! They were part of a demonstration and you could hold a Barn Owl for £1, my mum was going to do it but it started flapping and she decided not to!

I bought half a chocolate sponge cake from one of the stalls, it was lovely!

We support Hearing Dogs as my nan had a Hearing Dog but she passed away in 2010, if you look on my photos page there is a photo of Salsa. Hearing Dogs planted this rose for Salsa in their Memorial Garden. We haven't actually seen it in bloom as it's hard to get over there other than when we go to the shows/fayres.

I hope you've enjoyed your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to support such an event. Glad to hear the rain just about stayed away. I'd have paid a fiver to hold them all.


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